Customer Testimonials

We are so grateful to have had such an amazing relationship with so many people over the years. Want to know what they are saying about us? Check out some of our great customer stories highlighted below!



“I remember bringing my mom, grandma, and sister to help me choose my wedding gown. We had shopped other places, but as a family said ‘yes to the dress’ here in what was one of the happiest moments of my life”



“Some years ago, I modeled with my dear friend Victoria for a Joseph Ribkoff trunk show [at Stephenson’s]. We had such a wonderful time wearing the beautiful clothes and being together. Stephenson’s was Victoria’s favorite store and is now mine also. Thanks Stephenson’s for the great memory of Victoria"



“I have enjoyed Stephenson’s for many years…Everyone is always friendly and makes you feel right at home! Deb is always helpful and goes out of her way to show me clothes that I will LOVE!”